This program is on hiatus for Academic Year 2013-2014. Please check back in Fall 2014 for an update.
International Forum for U.S. Studies Graduate Affiliates
The International Forum for U.S. Studies: A Center for the Transnational Study of the United States, at UIUC, is pleased to announce the inauguration of its new Graduate Scholar Affiliate/Conference Awards for 2011-2012. Up to 10 awards, of up to $500 each, will be made available to graduate students in the humanities and social sciences who are matriculated as Ph.D. students on the UIUC campus. Funds are to help support conference travel to present student’s own research on topics related to the United States. Preference will be given to students whose work/ interests has an international dimension. Students at all stages of their training are encouraged to apply. Some awards will be set aside specifically for students in the first three years of their programs. In addition to the monetary award, those graduate students selected will be appointed as a Graduate Affiliate of IFUSS for the year of their award.