Past Events / Initiatives

IFUSS/Dept. of French and Italian Cosponsored Talk 

Nicola Paladin, “Discovering America: The Publication of US Literature in Post-WWII Italy”

Wednesday, February 12, 2020, 4-5 pm, Lincoln Hall 1065 

IFUSS Fellow Babette Tischleder’s lecture at The Animal Turn Research Cluster. 

Friday, September 27, 2019, 1-3 pm. Levis Faculty Center, Room 208.

“Best(iary) Practice: Imagining and Inhabiting a Multispecies World (Literature, Visual Art, Theory)”


  • FALL 2019 Resident Fellows:

Tiziano DeMarino, Sapienza University, Rome, Italy

Prof. Dr. Babette B. Tischleder, Georg-August-University, Göttingen, Germany

Cristina Di Maio, University of Macerata, Italy



Fall 2018

  • FUSS/CLACS Co-Sponsored Talk, Dr. Vargas Cetina
    Monday, October 15, 2018, 3pm. Room 101 ISB
    Scientific Phantasmagoria: Ghosts, Scientists, Technology and Music in the U.S. and Beyond (1848-1940)
  • Anthropology Colloquium Talk, Dr. Vargas Cetina
    Friday, October 19, 2018, 2pm. Davenport 109
    Procession Music in Seville, Spain: Music, Technology, and Organization
  • IFUSS/AIS Co-Sponsored Talk, Dr. Gyorgy Toth
    Thursday, October 25, 2018, 2pm. Lucy Ellis Lounge FLB
    From Wounded Knee to Checkpoint Charlie: The Transatlantic Alliance for American Indian Sovereignty in the Late Cold War

Spring 2018

The ‘Other’ Border: Canada and the United States

Summer 2014

“America” in India: Essays on the Impact of the United States and the Concept of “America” on the Indian Cultures and Practices now available as Comparative American Studies Special Issue (Volume 12 Issues 1-2) at

IFUSS Writing Workshops (Beginning Fall 2013)

In Fall 2013, IFUSS initiated a series of WRITING WORKSHOPS, held weekly throughout most of the academic year, in which two colleagues shared work-in-progress.  In 2013-14, these were held on Wednesday afternoons from 3 to 5 p.m. in the conference room on the 3rd floor of the Armory Building, where IFUSS is currently located.  Typically two colleagues would be chosen by the IFUSS Director based on their schedule and period of residency at IFUSS. About an hour is devoted to each person’s work-in-progress, and participants often include former IFUSS Fellows participating via Skype.  Book ideas, conference papers, drafts of chapters or journal articles, research proposals, and drafts of scholarly talks have been discussed throughout 2013-14, and we plan to continue in 2014-15.  Scholars participating must share something that has to do with the United States, and it must be in English since it is the only language we all have in common.  The IFUSS Director typically asks a U.S.-based colleague and a non-U.S.-based colleague to share their work at each IFUSS Writing Workshop, thereby having “presenters” (sharers) as well as “audiences”/listeners/readers/discussants who are normally located in different countries and intellectual communities.  Since IFUSS connects with colleagues in many disciplines around the world, these IFUSS Writing Workshops always include participants normally located in a range of scholarly disciplines.  Finally, it has been our custom to have each “presenter”/”sharer” circulate some written work several days before their scheduled IFUSS Writing Workshop (with the work/draft sent to the IFUSS Director and staff member, who then circulates it electronically to all expected participants).

IFUSS Spring 2012 Talk Series – University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

“The Presence of ‘America’ in India: Where and How Does ‘America’ Appear and What Are the Effects?” CONFERENCE April 5-7, 2012

Proceeds from ‘America’ Conference published in Comparative American Studies (# 1 adn 2, 2014)

Robert Myers, Unmanned: Reading of a Work-in-Progress – A New Play about Drone Pilots
Wednesday, March 7th

8pm – Spurlock Museum Knight Auditorium
Co-sponsored by the Department of Theatre, UIUC


IFUSS Fall 2011 Talk Series – University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Isar Godreau, Hispanic Whiteness in the U.S. Empire: Taming Slavery and The Invisibility of Free People of Color in Puerto Rico
Friday, December 2nd
3pm – 109 Davenport

Ulf Hannerz, Soft Power: The Politics of Culture in Globalizing Times
Friday, November 4th 
3pm  – 109 Davenport

Helena Wulff, The Irish Writer as Global Public Intellectual: Fiction and Cultural Journalism between Ireland and New York
Friday, October 21st 
3pm – 109 Davenport

Giorgio Mariani, The Rhetorical Equivalent of War
Wednesday, September 7th
8pm – Levis Faculty Center
Co-sponsored by the Unit for Theory and Criticism

“‘America’ in the World: Discourses of ‘Americanization’ and ‘Anti-Americanism'” CONFERENCE I
March 4-5, 2005

Reciprocal American Studies/Crossing Borders Project